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Print Issues (Articles, Comments, and Symposia Articles)

Format: [Author], [“Comment,” if Applicable], [Title], [Volume] Penn St. L. Rev. [First Page] ([Year]).

Example—Article: Nadin R. Linthorst, Entering the Political Thicket with Nationwide Injunctions, 125 Penn St. L. Rev. 67 (2020).

Example—Comment: Caitlyn Edgell, Comment, It’s Time to Finish What They Started: How Purdue Pharma and the Sackler Family Can Help End the Opioid Epidemic, 125 Penn St. L. Rev. 255 (2020).

Example—Symposium Article: Anne Toomey McKenna et al., The Role of Satellites and Smart Devices: Data Surprises and Security, Privacy, and Regulatory Challenges, 123 Penn St. L. Rev. 591 (2019).

Penn Statim Articles

Format: [Author], [Title], [Volume] Penn St. L. Rev. Penn Statim [First Page] ([Year]).

Example: Justin D. Rattey, Gap Filling: Assessing the Constitutionality of Virtual Criminal Trials in Light of Ramos v. Louisiana, 125 Penn St. L. Rev. Penn Statim 1 (2020).

Forum Blog Posts

Format: [Author], [Title], Penn St. L. Rev.: F. Blog ([Month] [Day], [Year]), [URL].

Example: Shannon Leininger, The Muslim Women Bill of 2019: Triple Talaq and the Foreshadowing of the Future for the Muslim Community in India, Penn St. L. Rev.: F. Blog (Mar. 16, 2020),

Unsigned Webpages

Format: [Webpage Title], Penn St. L. Rev., [URL] (last visited [Month] [Day], [Year]).

Example: Masthead, Penn St. L. Rev., (last visited Jan. 29, 2021).