Slip Slidin’ Away: The Erosion of APA Adjudication
William Funk
The Great ETF Tax Swindle: The Taxation of
In-kind Redemptions
Jeffrey M. Colon
Trafficking Rescue Initiatives as State
Sabrina Balgamwalla
With Malice Toward None: Revisiting the
Historical and Legal Basis for Excluding
Veterans from “Veteran” Services
Bradford Adams and Dana Montalto
Over the Constitution and Through the
Legislature: Redefining the Constitutionality
of Grandparents’ Rights to File for Custody
and Visitation in Pennsylvania
Katie L. Ranker
The Heightened Standard of
Ascertainability: An Unnecessary Hurdle to
Class Action Certification
JD Moore
Insurance Triggers Then and Now:
Reforming Pennsylvania Insurance Law
Involving Cases of Continuous, Progressive
Property Damage
Nicholas A. Taylor