Wendy Gerwick Couture

Wendy Gerwick Couture is an Assistant Professor of Law at St. Mary’s University in San Antonio, Texas, where she teaches and writes in the areas of civil procedure and business law.  She has published articles in the Seattle University Law Review, Albany Law Review, Pepperdine Law Review, and Securities Regulation Law Journal.  In the classroom and in her articles, Professor Couture draws from her practice experience as a law clerk to a federal district court judge and as a securities litigator.  Professor Couture enjoys integrating her scholarship with her teaching and credits her first-year civil procedure students for inspiring her to write this essay.1

Author of:

Conley v. Gibson’s “No Set of Facts” Test:  Neither Cancer Nor Cure.1 114 Penn St. L. Rev. Penn Statim 19.

From the Author:

1 Wendy Gerwick Couture is an Assistant Professor of Law at St. Mary’s University in San Antonio, Texas.  The author would like to thank Katy Stein, Faculty Services Librarian, and Kelly Havner, a second-year law student at St. Mary’s, for their invaluable research assistance.  She would also like to thank the students in Section B of the St. Mary’s Class of 2012 for putting up with their professor’s obsession with pleading standards.